安妮塔维. Bhappu, Ph值.D.

Organization-Sponsored Sharing Platforms: Designing Technology-Enabled Service Systems 吸引员工

Organization-sponsored 共享平台 are service systems that extend the sharing 经济到工作环境. These platforms connect coworkers in private online communities where they can exchange goods and services, which has the potential to provide organizations and their employees with social, economic, and environmental 好处. Organization-sponsored 共享平台, therefore, offer employers new avenues for engaging employees and demonstrating corporate social responsibility. My research indicates, however, that individuals’ assumptions and expectations about an organization-sponsored sharing platform influence how they interact with this new 信息技术类别. My findings across three different studies provide a contextualized understanding of how and why employees use different technology features, as well as how employers frame and promote organization-sponsored 共享平台 致内部利益相关者. As a whole, this research offers key insights for designing technology-enabled service systems that engage employees.


安妮塔维. Bhappu传记

安妮塔维. Bhappu is Associate Professor and Department Chair of Management of Complex Systems, as well as Associate Dean for 学生的成功, in the School of 工程 at the University of California Merced. Dr. Bhappu conducts interdisciplinary management research on organizational behavior and information systems. 她研究信息 and communication technologies influence coworker collaborative consumption, decision-making in diverse work teams, and customer-provider service interactions. 她的研究是 published in top-ranked journals such as the Academy of Management Review, Frontiers in 心理学, 互联网研究, Journal of Applied 心理学, Journal of the Association for Information 科学s, Journal of Service 研究, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, and Management Information 系统每季度 执行. She serves on the editorial board of Organization 科学 and has been an Associate Editor of special issues at Information Systems Journal and Management Information 系统每季度. Insights from her research have been featured by Fast Company, Huffington Post, Marketwatch, Mother J一个s, NPR Marketplace, Slate, Time, The Washington 《菠菜网lol正规平台》和《菠菜网lol正规平台》. 在进入学术界之前,Dr. Bhappu worked as a product development 宝洁公司的工程师. 她的学位是B.S. 化学工程学士和硕士学位.S. 和Ph值.D. in Management from the University of Arizona.